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The Research Institute on Educational Sciences at the University of Salamanca ( will start a new PhD Programme on Education and Knowledge Society, under an interdisciplinary approach supported by Research Groups on Education, Engineering and Robotics, Medicine, Information and Documentation Sciences and Communication Media.
The main aim of this PhD Programme is researching, discussing and generating new knowledge about the learning as a key element of the Knowledge Society, including both the Social Sciences studies and the new technological advances but within a synergic and symbiotic approach.
According this perspective, a not closed set of different research lines, always with a collaborative orientation, is established, including:
- Education Assessment and Orientation.
- Human-Computer Interaction
- eLearning
- Computers in Education
- Communication Media and Education
- Medicine and Education
- Robotics in Education
- Engineering and Education
- Information Society and Education
This way, this PhD Programme offers a framework to make possible the synergies and symbiotic relationships among different knowledge areas with the goal to rise the Education as one of the most important rights and the real engine of the current Society. At the same time, bridges are built just in order to face, in a reflective, collaborative and interdisciplinary way, the most relevant challenges related to the Mankind progress.
Jointly and congruently with the PhD Programme, a new Conference is born, TEEM (Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality). The Conference aims and key research lines are shared with the Programme, but promoting the internationalization and knowledge sharing with all the researchers in these topics.
Also, the Conference itself looks for the innovation. The TEEM Steering Committee do not want this event be simply another classic conference in which participants present their works and return home without interacting with their peers. This way, TEEM is divided in thematic and highly cohesive tracks. Each track shares the scientific and formal aspects for paper submissions, peer reviews and publication, but the track chairs will organize the proper dynamics to achieve the most important goal: to create a researching community.
Social events for all the participants will be made in order to strength the intercultural and multicultural skills among them, independently of the tracks in which they have been involved.
TEEM has a Steering Committee that watch over the spirit of this event in future editions. The initial idea is this Conference will be held in Salamanca University each odd year, while even years will be organized in other University all over the world.
The proposed tracks for this first edition are:
- Track 1. Doctoral Consortium
- Track 2. Technological advances and teaching innovation applied to Health Sciences education
- Track 3. Communication and cultural diversity
- Track 4. Science 2.0 supported by Open Access Repositories and Open Linked Data
- Track 5. A promised land for educational decision making? Present and future of learning analytics
- Track 6. A robot in the classroom
- Track 7. Formal and informal learning experiences in multicultural scopes
- Track 8. Application of Mobile and Software As A Service (SAAS) in learning processes
- Track 9. Educational innovation
- Track 10. New publishing and scientific communication ways: Electronic edition and digital educational resources
- Track 11. 4th International Workshop on Software Engineering for E-learning (ISELEAR’13)
All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings, which will be published in the ACM Digital Library as a volume in its International Conference Proceedings Series with ISBN.
New paper format is mandatory.
Authors with best papers will be invited to prepare and submit extended versions to be considered, after a new peer review, for publication in several special issues of the following scientific journals. Some of them are mainly linked to specific tracks (as it is described in each track page), others have a more transversal scope and papers from all tracks may be invited.